Big Picture Big Sound

Consumers Get Eyes-On with 3D TV and Movies at 3D Experience in New York City

By Chris Chiarella

The inaugural 3D Experience was held last week in New York City to great success, combining the absolute latest in theatrical and home-centric 3D displays, movies and events. The three-day (appropriately enough) series of seminars and exhibits included state-of-the-art big-screen showings of films as diverse as U23D, Sharks 3D, City of Ruins 3D, Human Flight 3-D and yes, even Night of the Living Dead 3D.

The movies were showcased at the AMC Theatres Empire 25 complex on 42nd Street, which was also the location for Friday's Executive Forum, which brought together experts from all levels of the 3D technology landscape. Representatives from IMAX Corporation, National Geographic Entertainment, RealD and 3Ality Digital Systems, as well as major consumer electronics manufacturers, gathered to report on current trends, with an emphasis on the past, present and future of the business of 3D. (Bar graphs, anyone...?) To paraphrase their findings, the future's so bright, we ought to wear active shutter glasses.

The forum culminated with a panel discussion by an assortment of noted 3D filmmakers, followed by previews of DreamWorks'/Paramount's Megamind and Disney's Tron: Legacy, both arriving in theaters in 3D later this year.

Of particular interest to Big Picture Big Sound was the live 3D Test Drive, located a short walk away at the NASDAQ Market Site. Upstairs in a darkened room, we were treated to expert demonstrations of the latest 3D displays utilizing the latest software and eyewear. The participating manufacturers were LG, Mitsubishi and Panasonic. Panasonic even brought along an early copy of the Avatar Blu-ray 3D, which is to be offered as a free incentive to purchasers of Panasonic 3D hardware later this year. The 3D performance from all manufacturers was outstanding.

The Panasonic stop at the 3D Test Drive featured their new system to make the active shutter glasses readily available to all in retail showrooms and demos: A safe, sturdy mechanical arm to hold the glasses in place (and keep them from walking away).

Mitsubishi shows their big-screen wares at the 3D Test Drive. (note: picture is much less fuzzy with 3D glasses on).

LG's THX-certified 3D display at the 3D Test Drive.

Offsite at the Discovery Times Square Exposition, sharing floorspace with King Tut, was the 3D Consumer Showroom. Open to all and absolutely free, this third location offered hands-on demonstrations of 3D televisions, 3D movies and sports content, 3D gaming, 3D cameras and more, staffed by friendly folks eager to answer any and all questions.

The bustling Consumer Showroom beneath the King Tut exhibit at the Discovery Center

With so much more great new 3D hardware and content still to come, we can only imagine what next year's 3D Experience (fingers crossed) will have in store.

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