Big Picture Big Sound

Rock Star Review

By Mike Tretola

Sex, drugs and a Hollywood Ending


Who would believe that a lead singer of a "tribute" band would be plucked from anonymity to become lead singer of the band being honored? The writer of this movie, of course. That foundation sets up this clever and smart (read "witty") film.

Although it's a very unlikely premise, we are not phased by it due to the amusing way the characters interact with each other. All the actors have fun with their relationships and establish this as a light-hearted picture before we learn of the set-up.

Chris Cole (played by Mark Wahlberg) worships the Steel Dragons, a fictitious 80's Metal Band complete with the big hair, so much so that he doesn't know where Chris Cole begins and Bobby Beers, the frontman of the Steel Dragons, ends. His manager and girlfriend Emily (played by Jennifer Aniston) believes that Chris can make it to the big time. When his bandmates kick Chris out of Blood Pollution, the tribute band, he is devastated until he gets a fateful call. He gets an audition to take Bobby Beers' place in Steel Dragons and wins the role.

The movie continues on its course showing Chris a completely different world with the predictable sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. (I knew I picked the wrong career!) The new life that Chris leads puts a wedge in the relationship with Emily. You can probably guess the ending to this one, so I won't ruin it.

All mixed throughout this movie are amusing side stories, cameo appearances, life lessons, and urban myths that keep us in a good mood. Technically, the soundtrack is high-quality and the acting is respectable. Though we've seen this before with different actors, different styles, and the Hollywood unsurprising ending, this is a very enjoyable movie that will have you in good spirits. And the final outtakes cap off the upbeat feel of this picture.

What did you think?

Movie title Rock Star
Release year 2001
MPAA Rating R
Our rating
Summary Who would believe that a lead singer of a tribute band would be plucked from anonymity to become lead singer of the band being honored? The writer of this movie, of course.
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