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Warner Upgrades DVDs to Blu-ray for $4.95 Each with DVD2BLU Program

By Rachel Cericola

Still scrambling to upgrade your DVD collection to Blu-ray? Warner wants to give you a boost. The studio just announced special pricing for its DVD2BLU program, which means you can upgrade select titles for $4.95 each.

The DVD2BLU program first debuted late last year. Just go to the DVD2BLU site, choose your discs, mail the discs to Warner with your processing fee, and they'll send you a bevy of Blu-ray goodness in four or five weeks.

Don't expect every Warner title to be part of the DVD2BLU program. Also, not all DVD2BLU titles will be available for $4.95. However, we saw some good ones in there, including Wyatt Earp, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Aviator, Gran Torino and The Shining.

That doesn't even scratch the surface; there are about 75 titles available for $4.95 each. Buy $35 worth and Warner will even ship them for free.


For a complete list of what's offered, check out the DVD2BLU website. If you can't quite part with those DVDs, Amazon has tons of Blu-rays to offer for under $10.

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