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The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them Review

By David Kempler

Where Do These Films Come From?

Okay, this might be a little confusing, so bear with me for a minute. Writer/Director Ned Benson has a film out called "The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby". If I understand correctly, there are three versions. They have the words "Him", "Her" or "Them" attached to the ends of the titles. The version I saw ended with the word "Them". Apparently, if you see "Her", the film is through the eyes of the wife. If it's "Him", it's from the point of view of the husband. "Them" is an amalgam of the other two. I will not be seeing the other two.

Conor Ludlow (James McAvoy) is married to Eleanor Rigby (Jessica Chastain). Through relentless flashbacks, we very slowly learn that this couple were as in love as any two people can be and have fallen into an abyss. In the present, they are apart, because Eleanor has left Conor. It's not entirely clear why, at least not at first, but we do find out eventually. That however is not the point. The point is to explore two tortured souls who have experienced true pain and misery.

This is truly a tragic story, however, in an amazing twist, it elicited zero emotion from me. To put this in proper perspective, I cry at movies, possibly more than anyone you may know except your loony aunt. I can't even watch those television commercials that show dogs and cats in cages, looking sadly at me through the screen, without openly sobbing. So, why and how Benson could create something so serious and heavy without eliciting emotions is both odd and mysterious.

Just to be clear, my criticisms do not mean that it's a bad movie. The acting is excellent right down the line. There are no weak links in the group. Chastain, McAvoy, Hurt, Weixler, Huppert, Hader, Davis, and Hinds, are all top-notch. The scenes that work best and ring truest feature Hader and McAvoy. Their scenes are the only ones that bring relief from the oppressive down that permeates throughout.

According to some, the "Him" and "Her" versions are far superior to the "Them" version, so if you still feel compelled to view Benson's creation, I strongly suggest you try one of those two. "Them" will only leave you feeling more like you witnessed to something rather than having experienced it. "Them" is professional, but it is missing heart.

What did you think?

Movie title The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them
Release year 2014
MPAA Rating R
Our rating
Summary Ned Benson's view of a couple going through troubled times comes in three versions: Him, Her, and Them. I saw Them. Maybe Him and/or Her is/are better.
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