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Texas Instruments Packs Pico Projection DLP into Sub-$200 Projectors

By Rachel Cericola

DLP is having a good week. Texas Instruments is out touting two new products that utilize DLP technology. So are we -- because they are both under $200.

First, we saw the LG eXpo, the first U.S. smartphone with a DLP Pico projector attachment. Weighing just 1.8 ounces, the projector attaches to the back of the phone to project images, presentations and video on the fly, up to 60 inches.

The actual phone features another first for the U.S.: a 1GHz processor. Compatible with AT&T's High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) 7.2 Mbps technology, exclusive "Smart Sensor" fingerprint recognition, a 3.2-inch color touchscreen, and the Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional OS.

You'll need to pay $299.99 for the phone -- $199.99 if you get the $100 rebate through the AT&T network. The projector accessory will cost another $179.99.

LG's eXpo has an optional $179 DLP Pico projector attachment.
Last week, TI also starting showing off the new Brightboxe multimedia/gaming DLP projector, which is currently selling at select Target stores throughout southern California. Gamers should be frothing for a wider release, since they are the target audience.

Designed to connect easily to any Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360, or Sony PS2 or PS3, the Brightboxe promises a 480p resolution and a 500:1 contrast ratio. It also uses pure RGB LEDs as a light source, so it never needs lamp replacement. Under normal lighting conditions, the Brightboxe can crank out a 60-inch image. If you have something a bit more controlled, you can expect images greater than 100 inches.

It's a nice add-on, but what we appreciate most about the Brightboxe is that it has a $199 price tag.

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