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Samsung Adds Facebook, Google Maps to HDTVs and Blu-ray Players

By Rachel Cericola

If watching high-def isn't enough to keep you entertained, Samsung has a little something extra for you online. Don't run to your computer; instead grab the remote, put your feet up and navigate over to Samsung Apps.

Samsung just announced that two new apps are now available: Facebook and Google Maps. These latest additions are part of the manufacturer's HDTV-based application store, which was first announced back in March. To date, Samsung has over 30 partners, including Netflix, Blockbuster, Twitter, VUDU, and more.

Through the on-screen store, users can download apps directly to all 2010 Samsung Blu-ray players, Blu-ray home theater systems, and most TVs that are 40 inches and larger. With the new enhancements, you can check in with friends or plot out a summer road trip, all from your couch.

A few of the 2010 Internet@TV-enhanced TVs include:


"We created Samsung Apps so that content creators can develop applications that can be experienced on big-screen TVs," said Eric Anderson, Samsung's vice president of content and product solutions. "We're excited to launch integrations with Google and Facebook to bring new connected experiences to the Samsung Apps platform."

Content creators for Samsung Apps use web standbys like Javascript and XML to develop applications. The platform uses a single Software Development Kit (SDK) for Apps, which means that developers can easily deploy apps across all Samsung platforms.

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