Big Picture Big Sound

Ready for the DTV Transition? The Simpsons Sure Are.

By Chris Chiarella

In comedy, timing is everything. And in a wonderful bit of planning (TV production schedules, particularly for animation, are laid out months in advance), last week's episode of The Simpsons ("Take My Life, Please") was the first ever in high-definition, timed just two days before Digital TV Transition was officially slated to hit on February 17th.

Well thank you for ruining the joke, Washington!

Even so, the opening credits have been completely overhauled for the first time in the show's near-20-year history, reformatted for HDTV's 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio while at the same time adding a few subtle, DTV-friendly touches: If you look closely, you'll notice that Homer apparently upgraded to a flat-panel, replacing the family's old Carnivale CRT, perhaps with one of the more popular knockoff brands (Panaphonics? Magnetbox? Sorny?) They also appear to now have a converter box under their antenna! (Think he was smart enough to redeem a government coupon?)

Homer and crew are doubly prepared for the DTV transition with both a flat screen digital TV and a DTV set top box. But will those old rabbit ears cut it for DTV reception?

Check out the new Simpsons opening sequence here.

Come to think of it, those animated rabbit ears have seen better days, and who knows how close Springfield is to the nearest broadcast tower? Maybe they could benefit from a nifty new RCA Model ANT1500 Flat Antenna ($59.99). The compact, wall-hugging (or tabletop) ANT1500 is just over ten-inches-square and less than an inch thick, with an included removable metal stand. It incorporates VHF and UHF reception (ideal for the entire digital band) on a single multi-directional antenna element, to pick up more stations than a conventional antenna, while minimizing "cliff effect."

"I can't believe it's an antenna!" The slim, multidirectional RCA ANT1500 practically disappears, while providing superior performance.

Hmm, I wonder if this thing picks up the new digital feed of Channel Ocho…?

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