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Just Wright Review

By David Kempler

Wright On

Queen Latifah is so darn likeable that you can't help but want to hug her right through the screen. That genuine smile; the way she looks at people like she really loves them. That it all began in rap music makes it especially interesting. Rap is filled with people who stare angrily at you as if, given in the chance, they would put a bullet into you.

Director Sanna Hamri understands the Queen's appeal and milks it for all it's worth in this otherwise ordinary and formulaic exercise. But, because of the immense powers of the Queen, it's vital enough to be worth a watch.

Leslie Wright (Latifah) is a physical therapist that lives with her parents, played by James Pickens Jr. and the legendary screen icon Pam Grier. Also living in the house is her very pretty friend, Morgan (Paula Patton), who is hell-bent on landing an NBA star as a husband. When the two of them attend an NBA game, Leslie is tuned into the game, having spent her whole life loving basketball. Morgan uses her binoculars to watch the section in the stands where NBA wives and girlfriends sit. Now you know the plot and can pretty much guess the rest of "Just Wright".

The NBA All-Star player in question is the fictional Scott McKnight (Common), who stars for the New Jersey Nets. That the Nets are presented as a team contending for an NBA title is almost disturbing, considering the sorry state of this horrific franchise in reality. Hey, but it's a movie, I get it.

As you no doubt have already figured out, Morgan lands the All-Star, to the chagrin of the disappointed Leslie. Then it's a matter of characters discovering what is real and what is important. There are no surprises here - at all. Not a single one. And there are some events that are just plain impossible.

Morgan behaves in ways that could not happen, at least without serious ramifications, and goes through changes that also could not happen. You feel like slapping Morgan and the director during these times. However, it's easy to look past these silly moments and get caught up in the manipulation you are being put through. Thank you, my Queen, for making this fun. It's not at all (W)right but sometimes you have to just suspend your disbelief and enjoy. You'll be able to do just that.

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Movie title Just Wright
Release year 2010
MPAA Rating PG-13
Our rating
Summary Queen Latifah singlehandedly keeps afloat an inane and manipulative story about a woman fascinated by basketball, and her friend who is fascinated by basketball players.
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