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Jackass 3D Review

By Geoff Morrison

Moron of the Same

Jackass 3D Movie Review

How could anyone actually review a "Jackass" movie? After 10 years I can't imagine someone who doesn't have an idea what these guys do. It's effectively a real-life "Three Stooges" movie, but with a lot more groin shots.

So I can't really say it would be fair to compare it to other movies, as there is no plot to speak of, and if you don't like this kind of humor there's really no point in trying to convince you otherwise.

That said, it is fair to compare its new 3D incarnation to the previous "Jackass" movies and the TV show. On that front, I'd say it's about on par. Sure there are some stunts and gags that are significantly grosser than seen before ("Sweat Suit Cocktail" comes to mind), but such escalation is expected.

Other stunts, such as those performed with the assistance of a jet engine, are hilarious. One bit with Vikings defensive end Jared Allen is too brutal not to be funny.

But in all I feel I laughed more during the previous movie. Maybe because with those I could fast forward through the uncomfortable parts. Seeing this movie in the theater was a new experience, though, having seen the others only on DVD. Hearing the audience gasp when they figured out where the prank or stunt was about to go-and inevitably go wrong-added something to the whole experience.

As much as I'm a fan of the Jackass crew doing stupid and ridiculous things to each other, I'm not a fan of the pranks they pull on unsuspecting bystanders. Thankfully, for me at least, this is kept to a minimum. The usual gags of Preston Lacy and Wee Man, or Knoxville dressed as an old man, are scattered throughout, but are outnumbered by all other types of stunts.

I watched Jackass 3D in 3D in a theater that used Dolby 3D. It was pretty dim, which seems to be the name of the game with 3D in theaters. As much as I can't stand 3D, I have to say this is the first movie I've seen that truly uses it to its fullest. Crap flies out of the screen constantly (take crap to mean whatever you want there). About 25-30% of the stunts are purely to play with the 3D cameras. These stunts do work and not only within the Jackass universe of pranks, but as purely 3D fun too.

And that, of course, is what Jackass is all about. A group of men who are so comfortable with each other that they're more than just friends. They care for each other so much that they are perfectly at ease doing heinous things to each other, and laughing about it after. It transcends friendship and becomes something greater. It borders on love.

Eh, who am I kidding. It's about guys hitting each other in the nuts.

I'll end with this, no Jackass episode or movie has ever made me gag. This one did. You are warned.

What did you think?

Movie title Jackass 3D
Release year 2010
MPAA Rating R
Our rating
Summary Not recommended for the faint of heart, weak of stomach, those easily offended by male nudity, feces, sex toys, more feces, vomit, vomit, vomit, gratuitous injuries to every body part, or anyone who doesn't think it's funny when lunatics hit each other in the groin.
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