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Oscar Mired - 2011 Academy Award Predictions and Predilections

Lexi and Joe debate the 2011 Oscar winners.

Reactions to the 2012 Academy Award nominations

It's reaction time. Lexi gauges the 2012 Academy Award nominations.

Tribeca Film Festival 2011

The 2011 Tribeca Film Festival winners are in, but did the judges see the films?

Win Your Office Oscar Pool - Dave Picks This Year's Oscar Winners

It's Oscars time again. Follow me to the winner's circle.

Oscar Mired - 2010 Academy Award Predictions and Predilections

Once again, Joe tries his hand at picking this year's Oscar winners.

Top 10 Movie Villains: The Baddest Bad Guys Ever Captured on Film

Top 10 Movie Villains: The Baddest Bad Guys Ever Captured on Film Not even in broad daylight would you want to tangle with these hard-hitting customers. Not if you wanted to get out alive.

Star Wars Series Coming to 3-D in 2012

Just when you thought George Lucas couldn't get any greedier, comes the news that Emperor Palpatine has decided to release all six Star Wars films in 3-D beginning in 2012.

Think Your Marriage Needs Help? Check Out These 10 Movie Matches Made in Hell

Think Your Marriage Needs Help?  Check Out These 10 Movie Matches Made in Hell Nobody promised that marriage was going to be easy, but for these folks it is more like a UFC fight to the death...without the benefit of counseling.

Where Not to Go on Your Summer Vacation: 8 Cinematic Nightmare Destinations

Where Not to Go on Your Summer Vacation: 8 Cinematic Nightmare Destinations If Disney or the Grand Canyon doesn't appeal to you then these destinations might get the blood flowing to the jugular. Just don't stop and ask that guy waving the chainsaw for directions.

9 Fathers So Mean We Would Rather Drink Nails Than Spend Father's Day With Them!

9 Fathers So Mean We Would Rather Drink Nails Than Spend Father's Day With Them! Forget about passing around the scotch to any of these dads on Father's Day - they may hit you with the bottle before calling you a sissy.