Big Picture Big Sound

Current Movie Reviews

Crash - one of our current movie reviews on Big Picture Big Sound.
Having to keep current movie reviews populated on Big Picture Big Sound means that watching movies has become more of a job than a hobby. I used to watch movies and write reviews if I felt like it, or had the time. Now I have an obligation to keep current movie reviews on the site. But that's fine by me.

I guess that's the true test for any movie reviewer. Can you still love movies if you have continually see them in order to write current movie reviews? In my case, so far, the answer is a resounding "yes!" Though I enjoy the times when I know one of my fellow critics will take care of a review (meaning I won't have to run home to the keyboard after seeing the film), I'm always happy when I finish a review and see it up on Big Picture Big Sound, as well as in syndication on Google News, in Movie Review Query Engine and on Internet Movie Database.

Though we get plenty of visitors looking for older releases ("older" meaning months or years old), it's our current movie reviews that really spark interest. There's something about the opening weekend buzz that gets people to the internet looking for the latest rants and raves. And I'm no exception; I'm out there looking too.

If you enjoy any of our current movie reviews (or even the not-so-current ones), please feel free to check out our:

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